Wednesday, February 28, 2007


A week does not go by that someone either calls or writes me wanting to know if I sell "teacups" or if I have any "teacups" available. NO DISRESPECT INTENDED to any of you who have asked this question, however, if you all remember, I explain to you that there is no such thing as a teacup yorkie, and those unscrupulous breeders who advertise "teacups" for sale or specializing in "teacups" are out for your money and not breeding within the Standard set forth by the AKC for Yorkshire Terriers.
Yes, as a breeder we sometimes get a tiny one that stays little, and may actually never weigh 3 lbs. The picture above shows one of my babes from my current litter. This baby weighed only 2 oz at birth and currently weighs 12oz at 6 weeks-2 days. Do I think she will weigh 3 lbs. full is too early to tell. I will revisit her weight when she gets to be 12 weeks.
Now.... for size and demonstration purposes only, I tried to "fit" her into the teacup. She hung out, tipping the cup and "da cup done flowed over" I put her into my standard coffee mug that I use everyday. As you can see she fit............., sooooooooo she must not be a "teacup"..........SHE'S A "COFFEE CUP YORKIE!!!!!" lol
All joking aside ......... I just want you to know that I don't sell teacup yorkies, I do try to breed within the AKC standard for their wellbeing and their health. We do have puppies in all sizes that we expect to mature from 3-7 lbs. That is the best we can do.
So if you want to buy a teacup...........try the nearest Antique Store...........cause mine are not for sale as they were given to me from my dearest grandmothers. Enjoy............Holly

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Today must have been the day to capture the moment! This is the teeny girl and I caught her sticking her tongue out at me saying, "naa-naa da booboo!"

6 weeks old yesterday and she is the holy terrier!! Holly


Once in a while you just happen to get a photo that makes you smile. I took this picture today, and literally it looks like Jazzy is giving a huggy, huggy to her baby. The girls were 6 weeks old, it just not seem possible and the time has flown by. They are all doing great and are cute as little buttons!! Enjoy! Holly


In January 2007 the American Kennel Club unveiled their annual "Top 10" most popular purebred dogs in American. The Labrador Retriever is the most popular purebred dog in the country and has been since 1991, however, this year the Lab shared the spotlight with the dainty Yorkshire Terrier.
The Yorkshire Terrier, more commonly called the "yorkie" has overtaken the beloved Golden Retriever and the German Shepherd to become the second most popular purebred dog in American for 2006. You can read more and look at the great pictures on the AKC website.

The top ten dogs are:
1. Labrador Retriever 2. Yorkshire Terrier 3. German Shepherd
4. Golden Retriever 5. Beagle 6. Dachshund
7. Boxer 8. Poodle 9 Shih Tzu
10. Miniature Schnauzer

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Here are the expecting parents............Abbie is due around the 25th of March. We are currently accepting deposits on her babies. She is doing well and has quite the belly going already!
Abbie is a very quiet and loving dog. She is a full sister to Delia, but they both have different looks. Pictures really do not do her justice. She has a beautiful teddy bear type look to her and she has excellent champion bloodlines. She should have some beautiful babies. If you have any questions feel free to call me. Holly


I just love teaching and learning. I keep saying, "I learn something new everyday that I have my Yorkies." I guess that is why I want to continue to write things that may be interesting to some and a learning experience for others.
Today I want to talk about Luxating Patella's in Yorkies.
The kneecap in your dog is on the rear legs up near the hip area. It is not at the "bend" in rear legs. This kneecap is attached by a groove in the bone. Yorkies have very small bone structures and it can easily pop out. The slipping of the kneecap is a common problem in toy breeds and can be slight to severe. Your veterinarian can rate the "slippage" in grades 1-4, with 4 most likely needing surgery due to pain issues.
Dog with luxating patellas often will look like they are skipping or hopping. Your dog may limp or not walk on their hind leg due to the pain related to the slippage. Surgery is usually recommended for Grades 3 & 4.
Is luxating patellas hereditary? There is allot of controversy on this issue. Patella issues can arise from a pup who jumps off from furniture or repeatedly jumps on their back legs at a young age. It can be a result of a fall or trauma to the leg as well. I read recently that 87% of toy breeds have luxating patellas and that they are very common. A grade 1 or 2 is usually not serious and your dog can live a healthful and happy life and it will not affect their quality of life. Luxating patellas are not considered a lifethreatening heredity or congential defect by most breeders.
Did you find this helpful? let me know.......... Holly

Saturday, February 17, 2007


It's funny how people find you!! In my "Did You Know "section I have a tiny bit of information regarding how yorkie babies are supposed to be born black and tan/gold and I mention silvers and chocolates.
This gal just had a litter of 5 babies born about 9 days ago and one little boy was born silver. She was trying to find out why and what it meant. She has given me permission to use the pictures she sent me, however I have agreed not to disclose her name or where she is from. I will tell you she is NOT in New England!
It's all about Genetics..... do you remember from high school science class???
Yorkie pups are supposed to be born black. The only way a Yorkie will turn the blue color is if they are carrying the Graying gene (Blue gene) BB or Bb. If you have two dogs that both have Bb, and the bb(recessive genes) come together, then you get a dog that stays black. This can happen even if both dogs are blue. Any other combination of BB, Bb, bB, the dog will be a blue.
Dogs that are born blue (silver or gray) carry the dilute gene of dd, which should NOT be in the Yorkshire Terrier breed because it causes the "Blue born puppy." It is a genetic mutation in color. I don't have any information on how the parents get it.
You will see people advertise "rare" silver colored yorkie. these little puppies are prone to other health problems like skin issues, blindness, deafness and more. A silver yorkie should NEVER be used for breeding!! However, they can be a great pet!
More and more I am seeing "chocolate Yorkies' advertised. In this case the pups are not born black but all brown/tan like the inside of a reeces peanut butter cup. In this instance the Yorkie has an overload of red-gold and this is also a mutuation of the Yorkshire Breed. This pups have liver colored noses and eyes. If these pups are used for breeding, it can cause genetically, a loss of pigment altogether. AKC will register these puppies which may be contributing to out pouring of breedings for off colors. Please.........if you think you are interested in a yorkie that does not have the AKC Standard color, do your homework as you may be buying a pup that will end up with multiple health issues. Otherwise, they make great pets. It is so interesting!!! You can find other information on the internet under color genetics.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


If you have done any research on yorkie health issues, liver shunt will come up every time as a potential threat. There are 2 types, congenital portosystemic shunts and acquired shunts. I will attempt to explain what it is and in the future I will try to also cover other potential health issues so that you can be informed.

A congenital liver shunt is a birth defect that can be deadly. While inutero, a vein that carries blood past the liver develops rather than circulating through the liver. The liver filters all of the impurities out of the blood stream in the puppy, and when a shunt develops, the blood bypasses the liver and these toxins remain in the bloodstream causing serious health problems for the pup. Cogenital shunts usually show signs before 6 months of age.
Beware of those breeders who advertise "teacups" may be a problem....
The toxins in the bloodstream will cause serious neurological problems. Pups with liver shunts often have digestive trouble, such as chronic diarrhea and vomiting and may be unusually thirsty. You may also see loss of appetite, depression, lethargy, weakness, poor balance, disorientation, blindness, and seizures. Your pup will appear to being growing very slowly. Failure of the liver to clear ammonia means that there will be increased excretion in the urine, hence the diagnostic test of bile salts.
If your pup has any of these clinical symptoms, consult your vet right away. Blood tests will be run as well as a fasting bile acid test. Other diagnostics may be necessary as well.
Depending on the severity of the shunt, treatment may include a low protein diet and medication, but in more cases than not, surgery is needed to close the shunt. The surgery is very expensive and the outcome sometimes is not good.
Do your homework....check out the breeders reputation. Talk to previous clients or the breeders veterinarian. Ask if there has been any incidence of liver shunts. Nothing will be more heartbreaking than to bond with your little one only to possibly lose him/her just a few months later.
Aquired liver shunt usually shows up after the dog is more than a year old. Acquired LS is usually due to an underlying illness or other disease and is not usually a congenital or hereditary problem although it could be.
I hope this has helped you understand the problem. Lots of literature is available on the web including clubs and support groups as well.
Info obtained and summarized from: 1998 Canine Inherited Diseases Database and from "The Yorkshire Terrier" by Deborah Wood & Wayne Hunthausen DVM, 2006 edition.

Monday, February 12, 2007


I just want our readers to know that we don't offer stud service at this time. We are working hard to preserve our lines and hope to put some Champions on the ground. thanks so much! Holly

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Hi there! These pictures were taken on Saturday the 10th. The pups will be 4 weeks old on Monday the 12th. I just couldn't resist taking the one with Jazzy and babies sleeping. They were all just sacked out and the tiny one just looked so darn cute!!

The other pic shows the shine and texture of their beautiful coats. They are just the silkiest and straightest I have seen. Just gorgeous!!! They are still spending lots of time sleeping, but are playing for short periods, making barking sounds and are adorable.
For those of you who have put deposits on a pup in this litter............boy.......are you ever lucky. These pups are going to be some of the best!!! We also learned this week that all of our adult dogs have some champion bloodlines in their dream is to have champions right here at Taylor Made Yorkies. Time will tell!!! Holly

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Hi has been a very stressful day. Kelsi had surgery today but everything is fine. Over the past few months I have noticed that Kelsi had been swollen like she was in heat. Sometimes she would bleed but other times she was just swollen. She also spent allot of time licking herself. Recently she started swelling about every two weeks. I was worried, and as worry warts go, I started dreaming that she had a tumor, or maybe cancer and that she would die if she did not have surgery. So last week I took her up to see doc to be checked. We discussed my thoughts and my dreams, and decided to go ahead and have bloodwork first and to put her on an anti-biotic as a precaution. If everything checked out good, we would schedule spaying her.

Kelsi will be 10 years old in April. My central Maine vet used to tell me....."why spay her...she is only 4 lbs and it puts her at too much risk..... she is so little the heats won't be don't have to spay her.........." so I didn't. I never intended on breeding her as again, I was told by my vet that she was too little. So breeding never crossed my mind. Little did I know that I put her at risk for something more potentially deadly. Here I am, learning something new every day!!

The surgery was slated for today. Dr. Hutchins assured me he would call immediately following the surgery and let me know how she did. What he found was a uterus and fallopian tubes full of a disease called closed pyometra. Her uterus and tubes weighed a full pound. Had the pyometra burst, Kelsi would have died within 24-48 hours. Luckily, Kelsi is fine and is home tonight recovering. She is being a real trooper and is resting.
I want to share with you about the disease, so those of you who have not spayed your older females may reconsider.

Pyometra is a uterine infection where the uterus fills with pus. Pyometra is common in unspayed dogs. It is a serious uterine infection that is potentially fatal. Pyometras can present as either open or closed. In the open form the cervix is open and there may be a foul smelling discharge. In the closed form, the cervix is closed so there will be no discharge. The closed pyometra is more difficult to diagnose and the animal usually will get very sick because the body is retaining the infection.
Symptoms may include, but are not limited to: smelly vaginal discharge, licking more, enlarged abdomen, vomiting, not eating, lethargy, drinking more, urinating more, and dehydration. If your dog displays these symptoms take her to the vet right away to be examined. If a closed pyometra ruptures, the dog will die within 24-48 hours. Open pyometra sometimes can be treated with IV antibiotics but usually will reoccur within one year. Spaying is the best option.

Kelsi will be on pain medication and antibiotics for a few days. Her staples will be removed in 7-10 days. In the meantime, I have fixed her a Queens bedroom in an oversized kennel in the dining room where she will rest, be fed rice, chicken, hamburg and anything else she wants until she is recouperated. I love Kelsi and could have possibly lost her had I not acted on my instincts. Did I take a chance on having a surgery performed like that? Yes this is some risk due to her age and potential complications........but in this case it was worth it!!! I want my first little yorkie to live to be 25!!!!

Hope this has enlightened some of you out was my lesson for the day!!!!! Holly

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


The new puppies are 3 weeks old as of yesterday. I was trying to get a new picture but they were all such wiggle worms it was difficult. New pictures have been submitted to my administrator and they should be posted soon. They are making little barking sounds and starting to play a little. The poor little tiny one gets batted about the box a bit, but I will watch closely so she does not get hurt. I can't wait for them to be bouncing around. Watch for the new pictures!! Holly

Monday, February 05, 2007

Testimonial Letter-from the O'Reillys

"We are a retired couple and veteran Yorkie owners. Last year after we lost our last little boy, "Hammish", we decided we just couldn't live in a Yorkieless house. As we started our search, very good fortune brought us to Holly and her wonderful Taylor Made Yorkies web-site. We then arranged a visit and were greeted by the most beautiful, clean and healthy little dogs you could ever find. We fell in love with a little boy named Toby and placed our claim on him. A few weeks later I brought my daughter to visit Toby and she really took to a little girl named Rosie. After some discussion with Holly we all decided it would be good for both dogs to have the company of each other in their new home. So here we are, the proud parents of two beautiful, lively, and lovely little puppies.

The dogs really love each other and are inseperable. They share everything, play, food, sleep and their antics area constant source of entertainment. The remarkable thing of our experience is the relationship that has developed between Holly (Taylor Made Yorkies) and ourselves. One does not just go pick up a dog and go home. Along with the pup comes a complete support system. It is so comforting to know that at the other end of the phone or e-mail is expert advice for anything that may come up with your new puppy. Every step of the way in gaining this wonderful addition to our family has been a most pleasant experience. Most of all, we take great comfort in knowing our puppies started out their lives in such a healthy and well adjusted environment. Thank you Holly.

Chuck and Norma O'Reilly
South Portland, Maine.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


It's funny. I know many of you have started a project or perhaps just dove into a venture without clearly thinking it through, or researching the history. I have and it seems that now I realize just how important it was and the should-have, could-haves and would-haves are surfacing! When we started our breeding program we thought that we could depend on other breeders to teach us and share with us what they know. WRONG!! There are lots of breeders of Yorkshire Terriers out there that will tell you what you want to hear, and the others who show and have champions would not sell you a pup for breeding for any amount of money. It is sacred ground that you are attempting to walk on. The answers I have received are much of the same, "I have thousands of dollars in my dogs and I am not going to give away my lines....., I worked 8 years to get where I am and I am not going to give it away.....etc etc." But the reality is, it is true and ownership is theirs......I am now starting to feel the same way. When we ventured into the raising and selling our yorkies pups, we started from scratch..networking, talking and trying to buy with pictures. I dont know how many times I was told, "Yes, I think the dad or mom has champion bloodlines....only to see 3 generations of no champs." Both my husband and I decided even before we had our first litter that we would not sell our pups to breeders, especially in Maine. I unfortunately have had to say no many times already. Like these breeders who have been 8-18-28 or 50 years in the business, we are already wanting to preserve ours. Is it wrong? I don't think so......and only time will tell us if we might produce some champions in the future! I can't wait to find out!!! We will always have pet only sales so don't worry future yorkie lovers.
I have done my homework now.....a bit late but necessary. I have extended pedigrees coming that are in the mail as I write. If anyone out there is interested, there is an efficient and great company called Brewster Pedigrees in Arizona. Just give them a call at 1-800-841-0461 and they will get started researching your dogs. With those, I will be able to trace my dogs lines and make some informed decisions in the future. Wish me luck and Best of luck to you too. Holly