York County Kennel Club held an AKC sanctioned Match on Sunday. We had a good turnout and the sun was at least shining. The wind was pretty brisk but we were able to hold onto the paperwork without it blowing away!!!
Key was the only Yorkie entered, so he got a first in 6-9 mo Yorkies and of course a first in breed. He took Reserve in overall puppy class so that was a thrill.......he got his first rosette!!! He is such a good boy and is so darn cute!!! We show this friday at Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Wish me luck!!
Next weekend the Toy Dog Club is holding an inside Match in Waterboro. I am planning to debut little Lucy at that Match. She will be entered in the 3-6mo old class. I will let you know how she does. HOlly
We are a New England couple living in Maine and are here to share our love for the Yorkshire Terrier breed with you. Our "Taylor Made" puppies have great bloodlines, are AKC registered and are bred to be within the Yorkshire Terrier 'standard'.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007

I love getting updated pictures of my puppies. This particular pic is of "Tia", one of Libby's pups that was born in November 2006. She is almost a year old!!! It was taken on October 1st. She has a darling face and I know that her mom and dad just LOVE her!!! Wanted to share with you as it will give you an idea of what Lib's new pups have the potential to look like. If you search the archived photo's here on the blog, look for Emma and Toby as well, her siblings........enjoy. Holly
I have been getting allot of emails and calls regarding the new pups. Do we have pups available? Yes we do.........TMY is accepting contracts for approval to get on the waiting list. Should these litters be spoken for, we are expecting 2 more litters, one on Thanksgiving weekend with Abbie and a litter from Ruby in early December. TMY did all of our breeding this fall to be free to show for most of next year. We probably will not be having pups again until next fall so if you think you would like one of our pups.......send me your questionnaire asap!!! Questions???? Give me a call anytime. Thanks ...........Holly
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The York County Kennel Club of Maine, Inc is holding an AKC sanctioned B-OB/Rally O Match this Sunday, October 28th, 2007 at the Mousam Saddle & Harness Club located on 13 Emmons Rd. Kennebunk, ME. Registration entry will be from 8 am -9:30 for Obedience and Rally and 8 am-10:30 am for Breed. Judging begins at 11:30 and 11 am respectively.
Come one call all. This function is open to the public and should be a fun time. For those of you who do not know what a Match is........it is an opportunity for show enthursiasts to show their dogs (just like a real AKC show) for fun. You can also enter young dogs that are 3 mo old for practice, where at a real show they have to be 6 mo old and they get judged just like it was a real show. It is also an opportunity for those of you who might be curious about YCKC to learn more about the Club and what they do. Experience the thrill of obedience, learn what is done in Rally, and watch the dogs in confirmation classes. TMY will be onsite. Refreshments will be available. Hope to see you there. Holly
Directions: Take exit 25 Kennebunk, turn right off the exit and go to Route 35 (bear left at the fork), go about a 1/2 mi to Ross Road take the left. Go about 1 mi to Emmons road, turn left. Mousam Saddle & Harness is on the right in 300 ft.
Visit YCKC's website for updated in: www.yorkcountykennelclub.homestead.com
Come one call all. This function is open to the public and should be a fun time. For those of you who do not know what a Match is........it is an opportunity for show enthursiasts to show their dogs (just like a real AKC show) for fun. You can also enter young dogs that are 3 mo old for practice, where at a real show they have to be 6 mo old and they get judged just like it was a real show. It is also an opportunity for those of you who might be curious about YCKC to learn more about the Club and what they do. Experience the thrill of obedience, learn what is done in Rally, and watch the dogs in confirmation classes. TMY will be onsite. Refreshments will be available. Hope to see you there. Holly
Directions: Take exit 25 Kennebunk, turn right off the exit and go to Route 35 (bear left at the fork), go about a 1/2 mi to Ross Road take the left. Go about 1 mi to Emmons road, turn left. Mousam Saddle & Harness is on the right in 300 ft.
Visit YCKC's website for updated in: www.yorkcountykennelclub.homestead.com
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
This certainly has been an exciting week here at TMY!!! Jazzy with her difficult delivery and C-section and now Libby, delivering 4 days earlier than I expected!!! Whew!!!! The great part is that all are doing fabulous. Jazzys pups are growing and doing really well. Lib's pups did great through their first night and I am hopeful that things will continue in that manner.
We changed our routine a bit with the deliverys this time. Scott and I used to get on the floor and deliver then on the white blanket. Well that is fine but when the labor and delivery takes multiple hours, before you know it your back is killing you and your legs are cramped. This time when the mom's started pushing we brought them out to the counter and delivered them there. It was comical to watch Grady, Ruby and Kelsi, all who were in the livingroom with all of this going on. All 3 dogs sat at our feet looking up thru the whole thing.......as if they wanted to check out what was happening. Grady at times actually looked like he was smiling!!! Too funny. They never made a sound..........just sat there and watched.
Now moms and babies are in the office and Abbie, Delia, Key and Lucy all get to enjoy the little sqeakings of newborns!!! It is a happy time here at TMY. The miracle of birth and the cries of little baby yorkies. There is nothing like it!!!! Holly
Friday, October 19, 2007

Here is Lib on the white "delivery puff" that we have used for every delivery here at TMY. I know..........white!!!! Yes white.........it is superthick and comfy, and the dogs love nesting down into all those layers.........only the best for our babies here at TMY. Will keep you posted on her progress.
As for Jazzy and the babies........all are doing great!!! Holly
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Jazzy is being a wonderful mom and tolerating the heating pad........but panting a bit........but she obviously is very attentive and just loves her little babies. Holly

Jazzy and the babies all seem extremely strong and healthy today. Those little ones crawl around like no tomorrow.......they find mommy even if she is off to the side of the box for a break......<<<>>> This is good.......We all seem more rested today and looking forward to a happy day here at TMY. Holly
Thursday, October 11, 2007
This email was sent to me recently from Val, a Mainer with a Yorkie with special needs. After reading her story and responding to her, I felt that this information has great value and every one should have a chance to read it. With her permission, here it is:
I have a 3 year old Yorkie that is a special needs pup. I try and do a lot of research on Yorkies due to the things I have gone through with my little guy Babybear. Babybear broke his neck a little over a year ago. At this time he is still not able to walk, but we work on that every day. I do everything for him, his water therapy, Physical therapy and massage therapy. He even goes for acupuncture. He is my special little guy.
He was born with a congenital defect in his neck called Atlantoaxial Instability (AAI for short) not many vets pick up on this defect. Unfortunately I have found a few Yorkie pup owners that have had the same problem, but luckily they have been diagnosed before the neck broke. I guess what my question is have you seen or heard of this congenital defect? I have written to other breeders and never get a response back from them. So it makes me wonder if they really do all the research.
I someday would love to buy another Yorkie. At this point I am not sure if I want a pup or a special needs Yorkie that someone didn't want. My heart really goes out to these little guys and they just melt my heart.
I was very stupid when I got Babybear I looked and looked for a yorkie pup and found one lady near me that had one. She said it had worms and that she would take 50.00 off if I took it before it was wormed. I wouldn't think of it. So I did the next stupidest thing and went to a pet shop fell in love and bought my Babybear.
I look at it this way. He is the love of my life so I guess it wasn't stupid. And also if someone else had him right now they would most likely of put him to sleep. Well actually he probably would not be alive anyway. The only reason he is here now is because my husband gave him mouth to mouth all the way to the vets the day he jumped off my lap and broke his neck. His tongue was completely blue and he had lost all his urine and stool all over my hubby. That day at the vets they did everything for Babybear. X-rays, blood work, etc. They told us he had liver shunts. The X-rays did not show any broken neck. Well we were told to take him to the ER for the weekend because they did not think he would make it through.
I stayed up with him for 4 days straight. Monday morning I called a new ER in Brentwood NH and took him right in. The vet on duty(owner of the hospital) asked for Babybear's X-rays. Well with lack of sleep I forgot to get anything like that from my vet. So the ER vet asked if he could do more because he did not believe Babybear had liver shunts but he had AAI. His words a very bad broken neck. Babybear was paralyzed could not move his legs at all.. ER vet came back to tell me that Babybear's neck was so bad he was internally decapitated. Wanted to know how I had kept him alive at home since Saturday. I told him plenty of TLC. He told me he could do surgery on Babybear because neurologically Babybear was fine. He gave Babybear a 85 to 90% chance of walking again. He told me the price of surgery. Man, didn't know if I could raise that kind of money. Well, they want at least half up front. I didn't have that. Surgery was $3700.00. I asked if I could take him home with me and see if we could raise the money. He said yes but to continue doing what I had been doing. I told him I sure would.
Well, we got the money together and I brought him back on Tuesday they did surgery on Wed. That was August 2 of last year. Babybear can stand he walks a little 1 to 1 and a half steps he crosses his front paws so he trips. He has two carts hate them both. Like I said before I do all his therapies. This is why hubby is so scared of getting another Yorkie and this is why I said if someone else would have bought him that day he would not be alive.
Babybear is my life and my husbands life. He is never left alone. If we need to go someplace where we can not take him we hire my son or my daughter(adults) to baby sit him. He is more spoiled then my children were and they will tell you so.
Babybear and I are hoping to get the word out on furbabies with AAI (Atlantoaxial Instability). We hope you will share our story.
You can also check out my myspace page that is the second link on here.congenitaldogs : Hereditary /congenital diseases in dogshttp://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=182769093 groups.myspace.com/mightypupshttp://www.dogster.com/dogs/136060
I have a 3 year old Yorkie that is a special needs pup. I try and do a lot of research on Yorkies due to the things I have gone through with my little guy Babybear. Babybear broke his neck a little over a year ago. At this time he is still not able to walk, but we work on that every day. I do everything for him, his water therapy, Physical therapy and massage therapy. He even goes for acupuncture. He is my special little guy.
He was born with a congenital defect in his neck called Atlantoaxial Instability (AAI for short) not many vets pick up on this defect. Unfortunately I have found a few Yorkie pup owners that have had the same problem, but luckily they have been diagnosed before the neck broke. I guess what my question is have you seen or heard of this congenital defect? I have written to other breeders and never get a response back from them. So it makes me wonder if they really do all the research.
I someday would love to buy another Yorkie. At this point I am not sure if I want a pup or a special needs Yorkie that someone didn't want. My heart really goes out to these little guys and they just melt my heart.
I was very stupid when I got Babybear I looked and looked for a yorkie pup and found one lady near me that had one. She said it had worms and that she would take 50.00 off if I took it before it was wormed. I wouldn't think of it. So I did the next stupidest thing and went to a pet shop fell in love and bought my Babybear.
I look at it this way. He is the love of my life so I guess it wasn't stupid. And also if someone else had him right now they would most likely of put him to sleep. Well actually he probably would not be alive anyway. The only reason he is here now is because my husband gave him mouth to mouth all the way to the vets the day he jumped off my lap and broke his neck. His tongue was completely blue and he had lost all his urine and stool all over my hubby. That day at the vets they did everything for Babybear. X-rays, blood work, etc. They told us he had liver shunts. The X-rays did not show any broken neck. Well we were told to take him to the ER for the weekend because they did not think he would make it through.
I stayed up with him for 4 days straight. Monday morning I called a new ER in Brentwood NH and took him right in. The vet on duty(owner of the hospital) asked for Babybear's X-rays. Well with lack of sleep I forgot to get anything like that from my vet. So the ER vet asked if he could do more because he did not believe Babybear had liver shunts but he had AAI. His words a very bad broken neck. Babybear was paralyzed could not move his legs at all.. ER vet came back to tell me that Babybear's neck was so bad he was internally decapitated. Wanted to know how I had kept him alive at home since Saturday. I told him plenty of TLC. He told me he could do surgery on Babybear because neurologically Babybear was fine. He gave Babybear a 85 to 90% chance of walking again. He told me the price of surgery. Man, didn't know if I could raise that kind of money. Well, they want at least half up front. I didn't have that. Surgery was $3700.00. I asked if I could take him home with me and see if we could raise the money. He said yes but to continue doing what I had been doing. I told him I sure would.
Well, we got the money together and I brought him back on Tuesday they did surgery on Wed. That was August 2 of last year. Babybear can stand he walks a little 1 to 1 and a half steps he crosses his front paws so he trips. He has two carts hate them both. Like I said before I do all his therapies. This is why hubby is so scared of getting another Yorkie and this is why I said if someone else would have bought him that day he would not be alive.
Babybear is my life and my husbands life. He is never left alone. If we need to go someplace where we can not take him we hire my son or my daughter(adults) to baby sit him. He is more spoiled then my children were and they will tell you so.
Babybear and I are hoping to get the word out on furbabies with AAI (Atlantoaxial Instability). We hope you will share our story.
You can also check out my myspace page that is the second link on here.congenitaldogs : Hereditary /congenital diseases in dogshttp://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=182769093 groups.myspace.com/mightypupshttp://www.dogster.com/dogs/136060
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
We had a great time and trip in PA. Key placed 2nd both Sat and Sun in his class. The Judge the first day told me he was a beautiful pup but since his head has not cleared (meaning it is not tan or gold yet) he placed the other pup over him. He does really well and I am proud of him. Our next show is not until November 2nd in CT. Will keep you all posted with his show progress. Holly
Forgetful me, I forgot my camera Thursday when I took Jaz up for her x-ray. I guess I was trying to think of everything to pack for the show and with working I just didn't think of it. However, Jazzy's x-ray showed 4 little babies and a possible 5th. One shot looked like there could be one placed high but she had a tummy full of food so it was hard to tell.
We will plan on 4 and if there are 5............surprize on us.
She is doing well eating and being her lovable self. We will get final preparations ready today as she could deliver anytime. Holly
We will plan on 4 and if there are 5............surprize on us.
She is doing well eating and being her lovable self. We will get final preparations ready today as she could deliver anytime. Holly
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Key and I are headed for Aliquippa PA tomorrow!! We are going to show out there on Sat. and Sunday. We will be back early afternoon on Monday to prepare for Jazzys birth. Wish us luck. Xray today on Jazzy. I will let you all know how many! Holly
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Monday, October 01, 2007

Before long, Toby and Rosie were barking hysterically at Norma. They would not let up so she went to see what was happening. There she found the pot on the stove in flames. She was able to remove it and contain it with no damage done except to the pot. How fortunate both Toby and Rosie alerted her to the issue. They are little hero's and so wonderful to have done so!!! What could have been a total disaster and terrible loss turned out ok due to their insistance and alertness that something was wrong. Kudos to Toby and Rosie..........both Yorkies from TMY and they saved the day!!!!! Thanks so much for this wonderful story! Holly
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