We are a New England couple living in Maine and are here to share our love for the Yorkshire Terrier breed with you. Our "Taylor Made" puppies have great bloodlines, are AKC registered and are bred to be within the Yorkshire Terrier 'standard'.
Monday, March 31, 2008
The dog show season is kicking off. In April there are 2 shows in Springfield MA and in May there are shows in Maine. Visit www.infodog.com, click on the state and look for the shows. Confirmation shows generally have an AB at the beginning of them and O stands for Obedience. This site has allot of good information. I hope to see some friendly faces at some of them. I will be showing Key in Springfield on April 5th. Holly
Friday, March 28, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Hi all, they say spring has sprung but to be honest with you it sure doesn't feel like it or look like it up in this neck of the woods!!! We still have tons of snow and the weather is COLD! I can remember many years that we had easter egg hunts in the field in front of my parents house but I have been up there recently and the only place you could hide eggs right now would be in the plowed driveway! Eventually the snow will melt and warmer weather WILL arrive.
Soon we will hear and see all the new birds returning and chirping and flowers peeking thru the earth. And GREEN GRASS instead of white snow. I can't wait and neither can the dogs.
Of course spring comes with additional work...........clean up. It is important to clean up all those little doo doo's that were left out there in the cold. We also treat the ground with some lime as well to help neutralize the area. Just be sure if you do it as well that you keep the dogs off the area until you have had a good rain.
Spring also brings the hatching of ticks. We have allot of ticks in our area. Mostly wood and deer ticks. Be sure to check your puppies if they have been outside. I have had a few reports that ticks are out already..............they must be getting hungry since winter is lasting so long!Remember to use your Frontline, a topical application on the skin.
Another thing to avoid is standing water. Standing water can harbor disease and problems for your dog. Never let your dog drink from mud puddles or standing water. Lepto and giardia are two diseases you dont want.
Now that I have put you all on alert.........LOL.........lets all try to enjoy spring.........the mud........and of course the good weather. Holly
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
What a relief. Doc called me and Kelsi's biopsy from the mass they removed from her mammary tissue was benign and negative. It is not cancer. Thank you so much to everyone who showed their support and kept us in your thoughts and prayers. Holly

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Kelsi is doing fine and seems to be feeling much better. Although she hates to "rest", I am making sure she does. She is eating well and the drains seem to be doing their job. Thanks again for all your support and prayers. Holly
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Kelsi is home with us now. She tolerated the surgery and flew through it with flying colors. Although she is in quite a bit of pain this evening she is really doing well. She has 2 drains in and tons of staples from one end to the other. Doc had to take more tissue than expected. He called it a hyperplasia.........and hopefully it will be benign. The biopsy will be back in 8-10 days.
I am keeping a close eye on her and will give her some protein treats tonight for supper. Thank you to all who sent well wishes and kept her in your thoughts and prayers. I think I needed it more than her..........but tonight we both feel better. Hugs to all........Kelsi and Holly
I am keeping a close eye on her and will give her some protein treats tonight for supper. Thank you to all who sent well wishes and kept her in your thoughts and prayers. I think I needed it more than her..........but tonight we both feel better. Hugs to all........Kelsi and Holly

Thursday, March 06, 2008

For my faithful readers, I know you all have been following my Blog and several times I mentioned about waiting on a new arrival. My Michigan trip was a huge success and I am ready now to tell you about it.
Anna has been working with me for 2 years to have a boy for me. Yes, my search has been for 2 years. Many breeder/show folks wont even consider you if you already have a breeding/show program up and running. Anna is 84 yrs old and has been breeding Yorkies, Maltese and Peke's for over 50 years. She has produced many many champions in all of her breeds and is such a wealth of knowledge. Several months ago she thought she had a little boy for me but his bite went off. I think I wrote about this in my Blog, but I had already booked a flight and visit out there so decided to go anyways to spend the week with my mentor. Anyways, to make a long story short, Anna had a 15 month old boy that she was showing. After spending time with me, she decided that she would sell him to me to carry on her lines. She also was truly happy that I will show him and try to finish him to his championship. You see I have some of her line in my girls. I AM SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! I have "Sutton" at home with me now. He is a complete doll and I am so happy with him. He has a beautiful rich dark steel blue coat and many confirmational attributes. I can't wait to debut him at some up and coming shows possibly in April. As soon as I get some great pictures of him I will put him on here. For now, here is one that shows his beautiful color. Holly
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Monday, March 03, 2008


Saturdays is always a busy day for us. It's "bath" day. I would love to have a group picture taken when they are all clean, combed and spiffed up........but as you can see........right after they are spit shined they rub and mess themselves back up again........LOL In the first picture some of them are sleeping after their grooming apointment. Enjoy
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