I receive phone calls and emails just about every day from folks looking for a pup. If you want one of my pups and want to be considered ..........please follow this process. Otherwise you will be lost in the hub-bub.
1. Email me or Call me.
2. If you email me we still need to chat by phone. ( can do also off the front page of my site)
3. Go to my website.
http://www.taylormadeyorkies.com/4. On the home page bottom center there is a questionnaire for approval.
5. Print it, fill it out and send to me by snail mail.
6. I review it, accept you or not and put you on my wait list.
7. I will email you or call you when a pup has come available that fits your desires.
I have pups available but many of you have not followed through with the questionnaire. I like to fit the pup with the person and want to make this the best experience possible for all involved but like I said, I receive so many calls and emails that you may have been lost in the shuffle. If you believe you should be on the wait list..........call me or touch base soon. Thanks so much. Holly