Let's look at crate training first. Crate training is a necessity!! Not only can you use it to keep your puppy safe, but they can learn to stay in their crate at bedtime and for traveling. (never ride with your pup loose in the car or holding your pup). Accidents do happen and the poor pup can be catapulted out of your arms should you hit something or someone hit you. The crate experience should be a positive thing. Do not use your crate as punishment. At different times during the day, put your pup in the crate to sleep. If they cry, say "no"....shhhhhh. and leave them. Within a few minutes they should settle down and rest. At night, use the same tactic. I have put the crate near the bed so that I could reach down and stick my fingers in so they can see that I am right here. I just started this with Ali. She whimpers just a minute or two and then falls sound asleep. I don't hear from her until morning. She is doing great!! What is in my crate? I have a bed or sleeping blanket stuffed near the back....her blankey and a stuffed toy. In the front I place one pee pad and I have put a very small bowl of food and a hampster watering tube in case she gets thirsty. If she does have to pee.......the pad is there. Until the pup holds his/her bladder all night...it at least allows them to elimate on a pad and not on their bed. They do not like to soil their bedding.
When your pup is out and about...........watch them....nose to the ground means ...maybe I am looking for a place to pee or poo. Pick up the pup on put them on a pad. Use the same words..go pee pee or poo poo.......or whatever. Try to keep them on the pad for a few seconds. If you see them start to go on the floor....say NO! and pick them up and put them on the pad. Tell them go pee pee on papers.........good girl or boy. If they go on the floor and you find it.........forget it! Do not punish them or scold them.........they dont remember that far back and wont know why they are getting scolded.
The other thing I have done is to create a small enclosed area with their bed/crate open and pee pads on the floor. I used a bathroom closet with a gate in the door and kept Kelsi there when I went to work or left the house when she could not go with me. Food in another corner. Once they use the pads enough....they will look for them when they have to go.............Good luck...and remember, do-diligence, continuity, consistency. Holly
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