Justine, left top, with her very own Yorkshire Terrier pup, Max, were together today and going home. This young lady, determined to buy a yorkie pup has waited weeks for this day. A student and just a lovely young lady, TMY is so very proud to her have her as a new parent to one of Abbie's pups. I think what I love about her the most is that from the very beginning she asked so many questions, learning and absorbing everything I told her in preparation for her little furbaby. Congrats Justine!!!
Just a few weeks after Justine found TMY and Abbie's pups had been born, a surprize came our way..........Justine's mom and dad, Dave and Karen and brother Jason decided that they just had to have the last available pup from Abbie. Jasper, shown above with his new family is just loving all that attention!! Jasper and Max only weigh 1 oz different and other that a slightly longer nose on Max, they could have been twins. On the fly, this family will have their work cut out for them trying to decide who is being the little devil this time. Best wishes to all of you and enjoy! Holly
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