Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Knowing that tomorrow is going to be a very busy day for all, TMY would like to take a moment to say "Happy Thanksgiving" to everyone out there reading this blog.

We at TMY have so very much to be thankful for and hope that all of you take a brief moment at some point in the next day or so to count your blessings. So often in our busy lives we forget to stop and smell the roses so to speak. I look around me and say 'how lucky am I? " "Wow, our hard work and dedication is really paying off!" etc........ but the truth is we are truly blessed.

We are truly blessed to have wonderful family, children, grandchildren and friends. Truly blessed to have an awesome career in Nursing and a wonderful job that allows me to be home 6 days a week. Truly blessed to have health. Truly blessed to have such a wonderful family of Yorkies who we love very much. Truly blessed to have beautiful yorkie babies to share with you and truly blessed to have so many WONDERFUL people that have come into our lives because of the Yorkies.

In this age of soaring gas and oil prices, continued war in Iraq, natural disasters around the country with thousands of casualties and now homeless and starving people, disease, international espionage and more, we are so fortunate to have been born in the US where people do care, love and have resources that we can tap into when needed. We are all truly blessed in our lives and may you all have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends. I am always here for you for questions, concerns and friendship. Thank you very much for reading my Blog, being out there giving us support and for finding me and the yorkies. Have a wonderful turkey day and don't eat too much!! HOlly

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