Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I have read in a couple of places about the reflection of light in a yorkies eyes. Is it a myth? or is it true? I think true.........
If you take a flash picture and the yorkies eyes turn green or yellowish, then the dog will be the correct color of blue and silk coated when they mature.
If you take a flash picture and the yorkies eyes turn red, the dog may be soft coated or stay black.
Very young puppies eyes may not show either of these colors with a flash picture, but as they will see the colors............
If any of you have any other theorys about this subject, let me know........ Holly

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holly, I find this statement to be fact and not fiction, IMO. I had a pet Lucy, who had red eyeshine in all her pictures and she had a soft, black coat that broke off after short growth. Both of my showdogs have the gorgeous silk and my boy who is 10yrs. old still has a lovely steel blue color. Both have green eyeshine in all pictures. Seems consistent. I think Secret has the green eyeshine too, her brother does.