I think now is a good time to talk about what sets TMY apart from most breeders and especially puppy mills? It is hard to find a reputable breeder and one who will be there for you after you take your puppy home. I hope you find the following information valuable, and even though you might make the decision to buy your furbaby from someone else, be sure to ask them if they do the following things:
1. Our yorkies live in our house, are part of our family and are treated as such. In fact just recently we purchased a king sized bed as the bed was getting too crowded.......lol. We do have kennel cages that are used for naps, nighttime with some of our younger pups and for segregation and safety if needed. They need to be kennel trained and know that it is a safe place. It also helps with potty training.......
2. We only have yorkies, no other breed. We have had them for 11 years, but started our program about 5 years ago.
3. All of our dogs get exquisite veterinary care. They go as needed, are immunized properly and have what they need. Our vet is So. Maine Vet Care. Feel free at any time to call and speak directly to Dr Hutchins if you would like. 207 499-7244.
4. We do not breed our girls every season. We evaluate their health, weight and look at the size litter they had at the last breeding and determine whether or not we should breed them, what they call "back to back". We call their rest time when they are not going to bred "on sabbitical".
5. We provide a written health guarantee for a full year, however, we want to know if anything comes up for health issues as we feel strongly want to support you and will help you with whatever we can. We have never had any congential or heredity issues such as livershunt. Hopefully we never will, but if it did rear it's ugly head, we would certainly evaluate the situation and help you either by refunding your money or taking the pup back. Each situation would be treated appropriately.
6. Every pup that leaves TMY is sold on a spay/neuter agreement. We never want our pups to end up in a puppy mill or be abused. Would we ever sell with full rights? Yes to a reputable show home with contingencies.
7. Our pups are not sent home with new parents until they are totally weaned and well socialized. In fact, there have been pups we have kept until 16 weeks to ensure their ability to tolerate change.
8. We screen and decide if YOU are a candidate to purchase one of our pups. We want to be sure that you will be a great home and that our pups will have the best. We just don't sell to anyone....
9. We show our best in AKC confirmation shows to promote our dogs and to gain experience in the breed. I also belong to the York County Kennel Club and am very active in it.
10. We are here for you 24/7 with issues, problems or otherwise regarding your puppy. Just call or email me.
11. We assist others with finding good information on issues as well. I have also assisted other folks to find reputatable breeders in their area.
12. Every preganancy we do an x-ray after 54 days, not to find out how many pups we can sell, but to look at size, positioning and to know how many in case birth issues arise or a long delivery happens. If my girl needs a C -Section we are on top of it and SMVC remains on call in case.
13. We have a Yorkie family reunion every year when we invite everyone who has one of my pups or dogs to come home and have a day of fun.
14. We believe in and follow the AKC standard. In fact, in any breeding program a reputable breeder will evaluate what they are doing, the outcomes etc and make necessary changes. Hence the reason to "travel" and purchase new dogs to add to their show and breeding program and work to improve what they are doing and the pups they are producing. A puppy mill is not going to spend hard earned money to go out of State to evaluate a dog before bringing it home or buying it..........
15. I network with other Yorkie breeders and show people to learn and to provide support. I have had a mentor for 5 years now and she has been breeding yorkies for over 40 years.
16. All dogs and pups are put on NuVet vitamins and stay on them their whole life. We also provide great nutrition for them, feeding Royal Canin 30, 33 and adult Yorkshire Terrier and Purina One.
17. We have a huge fenced in area of lawn for our dogs and pups to play and exercise.
18. We do not provide stud service for outside breedings at this time.
19. We want you to come and visit us, to meet the dogs, meet us and for us to meet you. Just give us a call........
20. WE LOVE OUR DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could go on and on but I think all of you get the idea on why TMY has a great reputation and is being so successful. Did I tell you..........WE LOVE OUR DOGS!!!! Give us a call and come to see us. You will fall in love too. Holly
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