Sunday, January 11, 2009


Not only is it dry skin season for us but also for your dogs. Heating your home with wood, hot air, etc. will dry out their skin at this time of year. Here are some things you can do to help combat the itchy dry skin of winter for your dog.
1. Use a really good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner such as Pet Silk.
2. Be sure you are feeding a really good dog food such as Royal Canin Yorkshire Terrier.
3. Suppliment with salmon oil for dogs or you can buy AllerG3 Liquid from your vet. It is a combination of Omega 3 fatty acids for dogs and it works great.
4. Try bathing every other week with brushing and combing daily to stimulate the natural oils to be produced.
In the meantime, stay warm and have fun this winter............dont forget to bundle up and that means your yorkie too!!!!!!!!!!

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