Sunday, January 31, 2010


Taylor's EM-AZ-Eng Meadow Music, "Meadow" took Best of Breed and Best of Winners on Saturday in Saratogo New York under Judge Hurt earning a 4 point major over the special that was being shown. This is a huge win for Meadow!! Meadow also won Winners Bitch today earning an additional point. Meadow only needs one 3 point major to finish her Championship. The hard part is as always, finding the majors but we will keep trying.
Also shown this weekend was Willow, son of Sutton and Ruby. He did really well for his first time out but has gone home with his mom and dad this evening. Willow helped build a major in Dogs, assisting Meadow with her big win. We are so proud of her!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job Meadow AND Holly...'
Mom Judy and Mom Emma