We are a New England couple living in Maine and are here to share our love for the Yorkshire Terrier breed with you. Our "Taylor Made" puppies have great bloodlines, are AKC registered and are bred to be within the Yorkshire Terrier 'standard'.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
How do you feel about "DESIGNER" DOGS
Saturday, December 30, 2006
New Pictures-Available pups

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Jazzy loves to ride so going to see the doctor was a big treat for her. Only 10 minutes away from where I live, we arrived. She looked at me to say.......we are here already!!! Not fair!!!
We went in and Doc checked her all over from top to bottom. "Yep......she is pregnant alright!" "Well ya!........I already knew that! Tell me more........is she ok. Look at that Booda!!" He asked me if I was sure about the breeding date. I told him yes, November 14th. There was only one tie. Doc says, "well lets fire up the xray and see what we can see........no sense doing an ultrasound, we will only hear heartbeats with that."
A few minutes later he came in and hung the photo. I really couldn't see much, not like the other xrays I have had done after the 53 day mark.
He said, "Well I really thought you were going to be wrong on the date of breeding. She looks almost like she could deliver, but where she still has 20 days to go, you can see the bone structures are there but not calcified or we could see them by now. See right here, and here, and here....I think these are puppies........and we can't see what might be on the other side or in back of these. It looks like at least 3 to me.........but we will be able to tell more once the bone matures. You would be surprised how just in 20 more days how the bone will thicken and we will then be able to see what is going on. I was hoping we would see more...but we can't. I want you to bring her back on the friday before she is due so we can see what we are going to be up against for the weekend.........just in case!" "Holly she is fine...but we might be looking at a large litter for this little girl!"
Darn...nothing confirmed...for sure! But it looks like she will have at least 3 pups....my poor little Jazzy....leave it to her to have a huge litter for her first. Am I still worried???.......yes a little, but I feel better just knowing that her HUGE BOODA is babies and not an unsuspected infection or something. I just pray all her tiny babies are healthy and she has a smooth delivery.
Knowing a little or too much is sometimes dangerous. Being a registered nurse I think of all the things that might go wrong. On top of that, I heard of a little dog that was bred. The owner wanted to "save money" and did not come in after the 53 day mark to have an x-ray as the doctor recommended. The dog came due for delivery......no delivery...Several days after the suspected due date, the little dog became sick and then the owner decided to take her little dog to the vets. They did an xray. What it showed was one live puppy...overgrown to the point that the dog could never have it naturally and one mummified pup rotting in the little dogs womb. They had to perform an emergency C-section, however, the little mom dog died after a few hours post surgery. Her little body had been poisoned from the rotting fetus. A day or so later the one live pup also died. Now this owner lost both her little female dog and her new puppy. Was it worth saving those few dollars? Is $55.00 well spent for an x-ray to KNOW what you and your little female is up against???? Darn right it is...............I will never deny my puppies big or small vet care. I don't care what it costs. It is my responsibility to make sure they are safe and they have what they need. I have said before and will say it again........I breed Yorkies and it's not about the money. It's the love for the breed, and the love for all of my Yorkie family that keeps me going. These dogs are my babies, my family and a huge part of my life. There are many breeders out there that cannot "honestly" make that statement. Damn you puppy mills! and shame on you.......backyard wanna make a dollar breeders.
I will keep you updated on Jazzy's progress. She is due Jan. 16th and we expect a big litter of tinies. Holly
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
All of the crime and horror going on today has pushed us into being a non-trusting individuals. We lock our houses, we install security systems, we lock our cars, we buy guard dogs. Does any of this help???
We have heard about people leaving their people baby or small child in the car, and the car being stolen with the child inside. More recently we heard about a newborn being taken from a new mom's home. The mom was slashed and left for dead in her own house. What is happening in our world that our safe haven, (our home) is no longer safe? The hazards out there are eminent. Think about the following and consider it all. It could happen to you!!
1. Believe me when I tell you that there is a black market. Little dogs are being stolen every day and sold for drug money or any money that they can get. I have heard of little dogs being stolen out of cars too. Lock your car doors if you have to leave your dog in it. NEVER put your dog outside without supervision, on or off the leash. It only takes a second. Lock your door at your home. My dear friend and web editor lost her yorkie right out of her yard. It only took a second to disappear and the future only brings wondering what ever happened, if he is ok or worse yet, dead.
2. Wild animals attack small dogs for food. Fox, coyote's, coy dogs, fisher cats, bobcats, mountain lions to name a few. Large hawks and eagles are preditors of your little puppies or small dogs. Again, NEVER put your dog outside alone on or off a leash. Even if you have a fenced in yard...these animals can dig their way in and be waiting and hiding for quick lunch. I have heard stories about people hiking out to the eagles next near the old FayScot machine tool place. What they found was a barage of little collars and leashes at the base of the pole.
A woman in Biddeford lost her small dog right off her front porch. She had him leashed out and the dog disappeared. They followed the trail and found the poor dog dead. A fisher cat had hauled him off and buried him just a few hundred yards away from her house. He was coming back to have lunch later.
3. Internet sales or scams. Be sure to check references if you are buying a puppy from another state or off the internet. There are tons of scammers out there. (article posted on my website) You can end up sending your hard earned money to someone who will never send you your pup. Beware!!! The other thing is to really check and I mean really check on what you are buying. Ask for new pictures. Ask to speak to their veterinarian. Ask for references of people who purchased their dog from another State. People tell you things that are not true. Yes I bought some of my dogs on the internet. I can tell you honestly, that 2 out of 4 gave us false information either regarding confirmation or size. Oh don't get me wrong....I would not give my babies up for anything now, but it is disheartening.
4. Falls. Little dogs will fall or jump from high places. We had a family that bought one of our past babies who lost a yorkie when it fell off a bench and hit it's head. Never leave your baby unattended on the couch or anywhere that is higher than they are. This same family lost another one when it ran into the road and was hit. Always put a leash on your pup when taking it outside. Especially when they are just learning commands. They can get distracted easily and bolt for the street. My mom and dad just told me that on the Corinna road a little yorkie ran from a driveway and was in the road, confused and scared. Thank God the man in front of them leaped from his car and grabbed the little guy before he was hit. The car's behind my parents didn't even wait, they just tried to pass both cars and did not even know what was going on.
5. Unknown....puppies chew. They can get sick for reasons we don't know. They can die from respiratory failure due to aspirating vomit, they can just get sick for no reason. Be aware of their behavior...keep a thermometer on hand. A regular rectal one works well. Normal temp is between 100 -103. If above that...call your vet. Diarrhea lasting more than a day. Call your vet. Not eating....call your vet. These little guys are so vulnerable and are at your mercy.
Knowing is half the battle. HOlly
Sunday, December 24, 2006

She is a cracker jack! Her ears are up and she has personality plus. She truly has the yorkie attitude and just loves attention. She prances around like the queen bee already. Tia is for sale at $1500.00. She is going to stay small. 5 week weight is 1 pound 3 oz. If interested, give me a call. I want her to have a very special home.
I hope Santa is kind to all of you and that you have many wonderful blessings during this holiday season. Holly
Thursday, December 21, 2006
We are EXPECTING again.

Whenever one of your Yorkies comes into heat, the delema begins...to breed or not to breed. Once you decide, then you wonder if you will have a successful breeding.
Jazzy had her 3rd heat in November and we decided to try to breed her. Being what I call a tiny, (4 lbs) she is a bit smaller than my male (4.5 lbs) and the difficulty began. Truly she was a frustrated woman but we finally had one successful tie on Nov 14th. Now the waiting game.......
It is difficult to know if you have had a successful breeding unless you have an ultrasound. They are expensive and really all you can find out is that there are heartbeats. It does not tell you how many puppies in most cases. Because of this, we wait until 53 days have passed and then do an x-ray. The x-ray will give you an indication of size but most of all tells you how many pups you have.
Counting the days of gestation, which is around 63 days, Jazzy is 37 days into her term. Last weekend we noticed her belly was a bit rounder than usual. She is showing other signs of pregnancy for example, her little tits are pink and when you rub her belly she squeeks, and she has a ravanous appetite. It also seems like when a yorkie is expecting their belly emits lots of heat. At least this is what we have found.
Yesterday I noticed her belly feels and looks like it has doubled in size. I noticed she even had a little trouble manipulating the steps outside. My little Jaz is absolutely expecting! I will keep a close eye on her. One always worrys about miscarriage, fever etc. and I have already scheduled her appointment. I did feel a pups roll last evening too. No little kicks yet but definintely something moving.
Looks like we will have a litter of tinys very soon.......now I go back to being the worrysome mom-owner. These dogs are my babies and I will be very cautious. Being a nurse I know all the things that can go wrong.....sometimes that is worse!! Thank goodness for Dr Doug and his expertise.......wiill keep you posted.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Surrogate mom
Delia's baby has been really whiney and crying allot because mom is not spending every waking moment in the whelping box anymore, so..hmmmm, I thought Tia would stimulate Delia's baby to play more, (she was sleeping all the time when she wasn't crying), it would give her company so she would not be as lonely, and Tia would get more to eat. So in she went. It was the cutest thing...Tia immediately started playing with her new foster sister and Delia, being so loving immediately cleaned her up and let her nurse. The rest is history. I have to smile when I look at them. A little while ago, Delia was laying in the box and there on either side of her head curled up was the two babies. Of course my camera was not available. It never is when you need it!! It is just amazing to me that Delia was this receptive. She is such a loving mom!!
Lib on the other hand really could care less. She still has the other 3 that attack her when she gets in the box...lol.
Now at least I know that Delia could make a really good foster mom if we should ever need it. Not all dogs are receptive to this. The life and times of Yorkshire Terriers.......I love it!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006
TaylorMadeYorkies.com Blog

TaylorMadeYorkies.com Blog
I have to apologize for not doing anything on here. But those of who know, work, home and dogs seem to take up all the time and there is never enough hours in the day. But here I am, ready to update you. The puppies are growing sooooooooo fast. We still have Tiny Tia available...although I want to wait a bit longer to see how she grows. She is a fiesty little one...a pound and 2 oz right now. She is eating mush and playing hard and loves attention. She has the sweetest face. When we get ready, she will be $1500.00
We also have Delia's baby girl available. She looks just like a teddy bear with the short nose and the tiny ears. I have a feeling she is going to be a real looker and won't be surprised if she is show quality. I again want to wait a few more weeks to see her progression. It's still hard to tell at this point. I am thinking $1300 right now. Don't hesitate to call and talk if you have questions. We have lots invested in our dogs and all are special. I know you won't be disappointed either.
The three other puppies are sold. Toby, the little boy is going to a couple in Portland Maine. They have come to visit and they just love him. Maddie, the biggest pup and first born is going to a family in Central Maine. She will have a 9 year boy to love and play with her.
Last but not least is Emma. She is going to live with Judy, my dear friend and website manager in Dexter, Maine. Emma is a doll and of course I will get to see her occasionally. We are all excited about our potential new homes and moms and dads.