A few comments have come our way recently like, "Boy, they charge allot for their yorkies... I'm not going to spend that much... I guess I will stick to a poodle instead....etc etc."
First I want to say that you pay for what you get. Yes, there are some breeders who sell their pups for less...and advertise their dogs for $650 for males and $850 for females in Maine, but their pups usually are raised in a cage with tons of other dogs being bred repeatedly to make a buck. We are not a puppy mill. We hand raise our babies in our home. ANYONE who thinks they can make money at this does NOT have a clue. If you knew what we have invested I know your mouth would drop open...........We guarantee our pups for a year against congenital or hereditary defects. My pups are veterinarian checked and one of my greatest references is my vet. He has sent many referrals to me just by chance. Our adults are also seen repeatedly and often for checks during their pregnancies and after.
The other thing I want to mention is that we are here for you for questions, help, assistance, training...or what ever your needs are regarding your yorkie. Do you think these puppy mill breeders or pet stores will help you......yea they will, they will help you right out the door and rape your pocket book on the way out. I have heard hundreds of horror stories about how sick these little dogs are when they reach the pet stores or come from the puppy mills.
Our mission is to raise yorkies within the standard. This is another area that concerns me. Yorkies are to weigh 3-7 pounds. There are breeders in Maine producing 8-12 pounders......huh...why is that? Because the confirmation of their yorkies are NOT within the standard. Yep, they are selling their dogs for $800-1300. I have seen them advertised many times. Uncle Henrys is a great resource to keep me in the know. I have even had people that own these 12 lb dogs call me and ask me to sell them a female. NO way. My little girls weigh between 3.5 and 6.5 lbs. This would be a C section waiting to happen as well as again, breeding outside the standard. Any one owning an AKC registered dog can read about the standard on their website. They also comment that a responsible breeder will breed within the standard and to better the breed.
Designer dogs.........the craze. I will write more about this but for today, all I can say is that anyone defacing the breeds such as they are, creating these "designer dogs" has little or NO respect for the breed. These dogs are "mutts" and anyone buying these dogs are absolutely crazy! Designer dogs are being sold locally for $400-1000 or more!!!!. AKC does NOT promote cross breeding, nor do they support these actions. I have seen false advertising saying that AKC recommends certain crosses. ALL LIES!!! These breeders truly are in breeding to make a buck. It makes me sick...........
Now that I have all of that off my chest........lets talk about how we price.
My philosophy: "You can never go up once you have told someone a price...........but you can always go down for the right person..............."
Personally I don't like to price my pups before they are born. However, since we have referrals and folks who want a pup...I price this way. $1100.00 for males and $1300.00 for females. You do not get pick of the litter in this synario. Then, we rebate back $100.00 for males and $200 for females at the time when they are spayed or neutered. This helps with the costs associated and it helps prevent my pups from being used as breeders when I have sold them as pets. They are sold with restricted registrations only.
Do the math...my pups cost $1000 for males and $1100 for females. Not much more that the designers out there or any other breeder who cares about there babies. Yes some breeds like poodles are much less expensive....why...because they are readily available at a dime a dozen, just like labs and some other breeds.
I will sell my pups with open registration for certain buyers. However, open registration costs more.... usually $1500 and up. Out of the State may not cost more.
Lets talk about tinys. Tinys cost more money. I can tell you from experience it is "craze" in yorkies. Everyone wants a tiny one!!! If you think about it....6 lbs is pretty small but 2.5-4lbs is really small. Meet my Jazzy..........EVERYONE who meets Jaz wants to take her home!!!!! She weighs about 4lbs, she is petite, cute, is a cuddler and has personality plus. She also has a long beautiful coat. But tinys can come with some additional issues, such as being really prone to hypoglycemia. (see my site for more info). Tinys are heart stealers......just ask me about tiny Tia, one of the pups I have for sale. Tinys start at $1500. and are sold with restrictions for their protection. You think that is allot...go on the web....I see them from $1500 up to and about $5000.00.
Show quality. Some pups are sold as show potential. These pups have to be sold with open registration. As a breeder, we look for certain things in a yorkie that may make it show quality. However, it is really hard to tell sometimes until the dog is at least 4-6 months old. These dogs start at $1500 and up.
Whew........it's not easy being a breeder of Yorkies but to be honest I love it! Think about all that I have said...........CALL and talk with me. If you are the right family for one of my pups...maybe we can consider that ....and the price will go down. I have done that for people I KNOW will take the best care of my babies and give them a life long home. Don't be afraid to ask!!! Come by and visit me...........and the dogs. Show me you are dedicated. I will help you have one. Just talk to me.............. thanks for putting up with me on this subject. Holly
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