Whenever one of your Yorkies comes into heat, the delema begins...to breed or not to breed. Once you decide, then you wonder if you will have a successful breeding.
Jazzy had her 3rd heat in November and we decided to try to breed her. Being what I call a tiny, (4 lbs) she is a bit smaller than my male (4.5 lbs) and the difficulty began. Truly she was a frustrated woman but we finally had one successful tie on Nov 14th. Now the waiting game.......
It is difficult to know if you have had a successful breeding unless you have an ultrasound. They are expensive and really all you can find out is that there are heartbeats. It does not tell you how many puppies in most cases. Because of this, we wait until 53 days have passed and then do an x-ray. The x-ray will give you an indication of size but most of all tells you how many pups you have.
Counting the days of gestation, which is around 63 days, Jazzy is 37 days into her term. Last weekend we noticed her belly was a bit rounder than usual. She is showing other signs of pregnancy for example, her little tits are pink and when you rub her belly she squeeks, and she has a ravanous appetite. It also seems like when a yorkie is expecting their belly emits lots of heat. At least this is what we have found.
Yesterday I noticed her belly feels and looks like it has doubled in size. I noticed she even had a little trouble manipulating the steps outside. My little Jaz is absolutely expecting! I will keep a close eye on her. One always worrys about miscarriage, fever etc. and I have already scheduled her appointment. I did feel a pups roll last evening too. No little kicks yet but definintely something moving.
Looks like we will have a litter of tinys very soon.......now I go back to being the worrysome mom-owner. These dogs are my babies and I will be very cautious. Being a nurse I know all the things that can go wrong.....sometimes that is worse!! Thank goodness for Dr Doug and his expertise.......wiill keep you posted.
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