Dear Holly,
In light of all the negative press about internet breeders being puppie mills, I wanted to express my satisfaction with Taylor Made Yorkies. Feel free to use my input in any way you choose.
1. I was invited to attend your “Yorkie Reunion” where I had an opportunity to speak with people who had purchased your puppies and to see the older dogs.2. I saw your kennel and the home where you raise your puppies and was impressed with its cleanliness and the fact that the dogs are not kept in cages but roam around the house, deck and yard like the puppy pets that they are.3. I appreciate the care with which you selected a puppy for me to adopt and the fact that you are always available to answer questions and offer advice.
I had looked for a long time to find a breeder in Maine and without a doubt you have met all that I would expect of a reputable breeder.
Little Brie is everything that I had hoped for in a Yorkie puppy. I will be happy to recommend Taylor Made Yorkies to all who will listen!
Pat Carmolli
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