She also was especially good on the ride which before she whined and screamed when in the crate........so overall she did excellent. It was really wonderful for me to get in there!!! I was more nervous than I thought I would be the first day, but after that the jitters calmed down. The last day I brought Key with me and had him evaluated by a very reputable Yorkie breeder from Florida...........he passed with flying colors! I am going to work with him allot to get him ready to show after his 6 mo old birthday on September 18th! As far as Allie goes, we will continue to grow coat and see what happens for the future. Thank you to everyone especially Ann Short who was there to cheer me on my first day!!! And thanks to Beth for sharing my weekend as she showed her girl. Holly
re: "We watched a pup entered in the 9-12 mo old group being dragged around the ring on her belly"
Personally, I think the show people should just bite the bullet and make the "Full Belly Drag" part of the competition. Yorkies are the very best at it!!
Great JOB Holly...
I am so proud of you and your pups.
I couldn't be happier with my little Emma I got from TMY, who is now 8 1/2 months old.
She is a joy in my life!
I have found that yorkies train very easy with some deligence and some work. I sold an older pup to Pat........and this pup had never been on a lead. One day of intro and this pup was walking on the lead like she had been doing it for months. It just takes "doing it" before they are taken into a ring. I was told that the 9-12 mo old had been on a lead one time before the show...........no wonder!
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