Monday, June 02, 2008


Cocoa Mulch, which is sold by Home Depot, Foreman's Garden Supply andother Garden supply stores, contains a lethal ingredient called'Theobromine' . It is lethal to dogs and cats. It smells like choc olate and it really attracts dogs. They will ingest this stuff and die.Several deaths already occurred in the last 2-3 weeks. Just a word ofcaution, check what you are using in y our gardens and be aware of what your gardeners are using in your gardens.Theobromine is in all chocolate, especially dark or baker's chocolatewhich is toxic to dogs.Cocoa bean shells contain potentially toxic quantities of theobromine,a xanthine compound similar in effects to caffeine and theophylline. Adog that ingested a lethal quantity of garden mulch made from cacaobean shells developed severe convulsions and d i ed 17 hours later.Analysis of the stomach contents and the ingested cacao bean shellsrevealed the presence of lethal amounts of theobromine.

This was sent to me by one of my concerned Yorkie parents. Please read and be careful. Holly

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also be careful when you are walking your dog near mulch others have put down. I walk my dog near a supermarket and condo complex by my office. Both have mulch that is very attractive to my puppy, Lulu, and I am always pulling her away from that mulch (much to her dismay). But as a puppy, everything goes in her mouth, so we need to be extra careful with the puppies!