Saturday, September 06, 2008


As some of you know, two weeks ago I drove to Buffalo New York and placed Sutton with a professional handler. MJ will be trying to finish Sutton to obtain his championship. Although the final outcome will not be know until mid October, Sutton was shown today at the Pontiac Dog show in Michigan and took Breed in the Yorkshire Terrier class. He wins one AKC point for todays show. Sutton now has 4 singles, half of what he needs for singles .
To become an AKC champion, a dog must have 8 singles and 2 major wins. Majors are when a dog competes against at least 7 others of the same sex or when they take a "cross over" and is awarded Breed when there were at least 7 yorkies of the opposite sex.
I miss him so much but I promised to try to finish him and I am keeping my word. MJ says he is doing great, eating like a little pig and she says he showed well today. Huggs and kisses bugga!! I am proud of you. Momma Holly

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