Wednesday, December 12, 2007


During this busy hustle bustle season, we may not focus on Christmas time safety for your pups. It is a time of year when accidents can and will happen. Here is a list of things that we all need to remember and be aware of during this festive time.
1. Decorated x-mas tree-tinsel, glass bulbs and ornaments can be a potential hazard to your pup. Be sure they are not eating the tinsel and that glass bulbs are not on the lower tier of your tree where they may fall and break. The pups will eat them.
2. Extension cords and light cords on the tree. Puppies will chew the cords on the lights or running off your tree. Be aware as this could be fatal for them.
3. Chocolate- with all the holiday candies around, remember that dogs love chocolate but a moderate dose could be deadly. The same with macadamia nuts and raisins.
4. New pup-too much activity. With all toy dogs too much activity when they are small puppies can stress them out and cause a quick drop in their blood sugar. Be sure to allow plenty of rest time away from the crowds and activity. Watch to be sure the pup is eating properly and if you question it, give them a squirt of quick start or Nutracal.
5. House full of adults and children. Letting your puppy "run around" with a house full of relatives and friends can be a real hazard. Your guests will not be atuned to watching where they walk or "rocking" in the chair. More pups get stepped on or squished under the rockers of chair that you realize. Contain your pup in a playpen or x-pen where you can keep an eye on them.
6. Falls-a well meaning guest picks up your puppy or a child picks up your puppy to hug it and hold it. Next thing you know they squirm and get excited to get down and they fall out of their arms. Be sure to advise adult guests that they may squirm and to hold on tight. If a child wants to hold the pup, have them sit on the floor and hold the puppy.......that way they can participate in the new bundle of joy as well.
7. Puppy gifts- be sure to inspect all toys that are given to your pup for presents. Stuffed toys with plastic eyes, outside squeekeer toys (the ones that have plugs on the outside) cat toys with tinsel are all not appropriate. Rawhide bones and chews are not recommended. The rawhide cannot be digested. Nyla bones are a better choice or pigs hoofs that have been irradated are safe.
Keep these things in mind and have a safe and healthful holiday season. Holly

1 comment:

Editor said...

Great things to remember Holly!
Thanks for your reminders.
Merry Christmas,
Love Judy and Emma and the rest of the family