Wednesday, September 19, 2007


As most of you know, showing your dog is allot of work, time consuming and sometimes expensive. The ultimate is confirmation when the dog is judged compared to the standard. In this case, The Yorkshire Terrier Standard set forth by the AKC. You can obtain this standard by going to the Akc website. Every purebred dog has a standard as you will see. Dogs shown in confirmation cannot be spayed or neutered.
Confirmation is NOT the only venue at a show. There are many other classes that you can show your dog in. There is Rally, Obedience, and Agility groups. Your dog can be spayed or neutered to compete in these classes. There are a few Clubs and training programs here in Maine that specialize in these areas. There are also classes where you can good a certificate in achievement for your dog/pup as a Good Canine Citizen. The dog can become a "therapy dog" etc. Check out some of these options. It is a great area to explore and it gives you the ultimate one on one time with your dog/puppy. If you don't know where to start, send me an email and I can give you some reference people to talk to. Have a great day!!!Holly

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