Monday, January 01, 2007


It's 2007 and I awoke to some whimpering. ( 6 a.m. and this is late by most days!) Down the stairs I went and what do I see? There waiting for me are 3 little monster Yorkies that had figured out how to get out of their whelping box, running all around my house!!! They started barking at me with their little yip yip sounds as if to say, "look at me mom........we are exploring!!!" I laughed out loud but relized within a second as I stepped off the bottom step that now the search has begun. Yeck....soggy sock first thing in the morning...........that stinks!
I gathered them up and put them into the playpen. I have approximately a 6 x 10 area gated off where they can play. They have such cute little personalities now. Their little butts wiggle 90 miles an hour, they hop and jump, they yip and attack your feet.........."my little monster children" I say as I give them a hug and a little pat on the head and back. Well I might as well put the other two into play as well. They have such fun together wrestling and exploring.
Then out I go to the living room to hunt out the treasure..........yep...lots of treasures!!! Have a wonderful day...........I have to go and make some wash water.......hehe

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